Blog bro, long time no see! Twitter says it's been 183 days since I said I would blog again :S my bad...
These past few weeks/months (I don't even remember since when) have given me a lot more time for myself, which I can't complain about because I've been praying for it; for time to take care of myself and seek answers. But one thing i wanted to share that I've learnt is to be careful about what you pray for lol. Let me explain! Sometimes I felt obligated to pray about certain things because it's the normal/right thing to pray for; things like understanding, wisdom, courage, humility, patience, etc.
But I've realized that God never answers the way I expect/want Him to, especially with His timing and His mysterious ways of making me grow up and unveil the answers to what I've been praying for. For example, I was kinda hoping God would grant me courage by just 'filling' me with it. Lol sounds dumb now that I put it in words. Instead, I am led to situations in my life that I don't want to be in, yet to get through them I need to be courageous in making life decisions and actions led by God. Situations I can't push aside to deal with later. Situations like gardens that grow roots of courage provided I make the effort to water them. Courage to be fearless in trusting someone greater with my life.
Humility has been the toughest. I always thought being humble was simply not boasting about yourself and your talents; and seeing others above yourself. In my own thinking, I proudfully thought I was already humble. LOL at the irony in that. But the God of all greatness showed me (and is constantly teaching me) that humility and holiness is given to those who know and admit they are weak, and are willing to start themselves anew over and over again. Which is frustrating! Especially the ' over and over again' part, BUT not as frustrating as listening and following the wrong person/things your whole life... as someone once told me, "You are incredibly and deeply loved by God, and incredibly deeply hated by the devil." so I'm praying I'm listening to the right one! As hard it is to start fresh everytime to reach holiness and intimacy with God, it's the only thing He asks for in return for the bountiful blessings we receive all our life. Seeking and following Christ is the only way to truth and real peace.
So i took the weekend to unglue my hands and my eyes from my phone; unglue my ears from my headphones, and just listen and look to God through all the beauty He created. The beauty in this world that says, "All will be well" because the creator of such mysterious and wonderful things is taking care of you personally (from the book Captivated). And although I need to be more careful about the things I pray for, it's only because I am sure that God really does answer. I'm unsure why I'm always surprised when He does answer though, I guess it's tough to grasp that an Almighty King would pay close attention to a simple servants whispers.
Song of the week: The War Inside by Switchfoot
Verse of the week: "Seek peace and pursue it" - Psalm 34:14, 1 Peter 3:11
S01E07 - Intimacy/Into-me-I-see
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