2020.1 BMH

I know what you're wondering... what does BMH stand for?

Find out soon!

Or maybe it isn't what you're wondering at all. Maybe you're asking yourself how far back can you push eating food after the best before date? Or are you wondering, "what am I going to do with all the random things I've bought "just incase" of a Covid-19 lockdown?". Or better yet, "how mental have I gone since isolation?".

We've had a lot of time to think, to slow down and to actually listen to our own thoughts. That, or we've had a lot of time to distract ourselves with new hobbies, new online shopping purchases and new obsessions. My current obsession in Animal Crossing Pocket Edition (add me!). I'm tossing up whether to get it on Nintendo Switch. 

See here's the thing, two months is a long time in isolation to get to know yourself more. It's been really insightful to uncover my own coping strategies, my ups and downs, my triggers and actually... let's be real I'm just not really coping hey.

I'm hoping this blog series is lighthearted enough but honest in sharing how I have been dealing with this time of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Without sounding too self-absorbed, I do acknowledge that there are so many people going through worse than an almost-30-year-old who is healthy but restricted to her home for two months. But, maybe my raw experiences and struggle will relate to you. Maybe it'll make you laugh or find a silver lining in your situation. Maybe this blog series will encourage you or give you some language around what you are going through during these difficult times so you can express it too.

In summary, I'm not coping but I am hopeful. I'd like to explore this with you for these next couple of blog posts :) 

Journeying beside you, 1.5m apart,



DVD extras

Number of days I've been playing Animal Crossing: 3

Last movie I watched: The Perfection (super strange FYI)
Last thing I drank: Taro Yoghurt with Red Bean from Sharetea
Great song I rediscovered recently: Anonymous by Bobby V
Funny typo I last saw: Flu trap



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