2018.3 Spontaneity v routine

Oh where life takes you when you take the unexpected turns it presents you

Today nothing I had planned actually happened. The 6:45am start instead of the 12:00pm start. The busier than normally busy day at Street Uni. Then the family gathering around my close uncle's 40th day since he passed away. I wasn't expected to be at the prayers but my work was unusually cut short to prepare for the longer day tomorrow. Topped with the trip to buy pandan waffles for dessert before crashing at my parent's place.

And here I am.

I'm pretty flabbergasted. How did that all just happen? Kind of like when you're driving and you arrive at your destination not fully remembering the whole drive there. It's a little worrying hey haha

Come to think of it, I like the spontaneity in life. Routine is certainly necessary with key aspects of our lives like our good friendships, balanced activity, quiet times and busy times. It's all part of it. I'm learning to see the bigger purpose in the things that happen whether it's in my control or not. Whether I like it or not. Believe it or not my friend, there's good in everything. We just need to clear our eyes so we can truly see things as it is. Not the fluffy version or the over-exaggerated version. The true version.

Lord help me to see what is true in the unplanned and planned things in life, the turns and straight roads, even in the stoplights and speedy freeways. Help me to see that you are always with me and that is why there is good in everything.

Seeing the good in you,


The extra shot in your coffee
Artist I'm vibing: Taylor Henderson
Last drink: Aloe vera and apple iced tea from Teabags
Section I'm up to in my 5000w assi: Ecclesiology
Something that should be routine: 24 min naps
Something that is spontaneous: Having a new London pen pal (more like exchanging good books)
Something underrated: Solid hugs


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