2018.2 Soju

Yesterday was the best Sunday I’ve had in a while. 

I spent time with family at Mass and then Timezone Rouse Hill followed by Korean BBQ with friends at night. I was happy to let the kbbq pros choose our food but I was keen on some sort of alcoholic beverage for the night. I ended up choosing Soju not knowing you drink it slowly as shots. Everyone else drove to dinner except me and one other person. Yikes this choice of soju was all mine! Teehee. 

It’s definitely easier said than done to decide to make time for people with a very tight budget. Going out is expensive! But on the off occasion we choose to be with loved ones - it is definitely worth it. It makes moments precious because it’s time and money we don’t often get to spare. Rent, bills, saving for world youth day 2019, basketball and other everyday expenses. Honestly, it stresses me out. How I wish I could trust more in God’s generosity. He even provides food for the birds in the sky, how much more would he provide for us His children? (Matt 6:26-27).

Photo: A bird outside my window creating it’s nest as I blogged yesterday. How cute that God provides for you little bird, whilst reminding me not to worry.

Mind you it wasn’t a wild night with my one bottle of soju (grape flavoured btw), but it was a night I chose to be out and to be present to my closest friends. Choosing makes a difference. Choosing to be where you are and reminding yourself that you need to give it your best shot because that’s what you have freely chosen. It reminds me of one uni day this semester when I was so overwhelmed by the content that I snuck into the bathroom and repeated to myself “this is what you chose Raimie, you gotta keep going and keep trying”. Choose to love, be selfless, be present, forgive, serve, to see the bigger picture, keep going, keep pushing, following through. Out of all the choices available to us, choose what is best for you and for others. What are you choosing today? 

With love, 


Extra 10kg baggage for your flight
What I had for lunch today: Home-cooked beef stroganoff with rice 
What I wish I was eating: Healthier 
Best thing that's happened so far today: My 2 year old niece CJ visited me at the coffee shop 
Not the best thing that's happened so far today: I have 4000 words to go for my assignment due this week 
Something I will choose today: Not soju. That stuff is strong. Today I'll choose water thanks 


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