The struggle is real to understand things sometimes! Including things and people #TBH
Here's a snippet from Pope Francis that helped shed some light on some things I:
1. am really curious about, and
2. desire
Heaven & Hope:
"How is the kingdom of God possessed?
On this point, Jesus is very clear: enthusiasm, the joy of discovery, is not enough.
The precious pearl of the kingdom should precede every other earthly good; we must put God first in our lives, prefer Him to everything. Giving primacy to God means having the courage to say no to evil, violence, oppression, living a life of service to others and in favor of the law and the common good.
When a person finds God, the true treasure, they leave a selfish lifestyle and look to share with others the love that comes from God. Whoever becomes a friend of God loves his brothers, is committed to safeguarding their lives and their health, also respecting the environment and nature. I know that you suffer for these things.
Today, when I arrived, one of you has approached me and said: Father, give us hope. But I cannot give you hope, I can tell you that where Jesus is, there is hope; where there is Jesus, each person loves all other persons like brothers, committed to safeguarding their lives and their health and also respecting the environment and nature. This is the hope which never disappoints, the one that Jesus gives!"
- Pope Francis, Homily at Mass at Caserta, July 26, 2014
For me, this is more than just a quote. There is so much wisdom here that I need to think about over and over again. Honestly, I found this quote over 2 months ago and it's still slowly sinking in. More than a quote it's a challenge and a help.
Prefer Him to Everything: I'd totally tatt that LOL - but to live it would be the real #goals. This has been my prayer ever since I read this, and my reminder on a post-it note on my work computer. Prefer Him to Everything. At first, I think about how difficult this would be practically - then I consider how much more beautiful life would be if God's love was my first intention, first instinct, and first reaction.
Father (referring to Pope Francis as priest), give us hope: How often do I feel people asking me this question as someone who serves the church and young adults? But I am humbled by Pope Francis' humility and ability to speak the truth - we cannot give hope and hand it over like it's ours or as if I am perfectly hopeful myself. I am not God. But I can share my experiences of God and direct people to where there is Jesus, where there is life, joy, mercy and love.
Short and sweet!
Wishing heaven and hope for all of us :)
---- DVD extras ----
Last movie I watched: Star Wars - Episode 7
Last song I listened to: Should've Been Us by Tori Kelly
Currently reading: Introduction to Devotion by St Francis de Sales
Summary of NY resolutions: Confidence | Courage | Sticking to my word | Practicing all love languages - quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts | Study
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