Lent Reflection 1: Mo money, mo problems

Good evening!

Today marks the 3rd week of Lent (already?!) and it has been such an adventure thus far.

Although it's nothing spectacular, I won't share exactly what it is that I'm fasting and what I'm abstaining but I will say it has made me appreciate being uncomfortable. Everyday except Sundays - because it's the day of rest and we are taught not to fast on this day - I am reminded of what I am lacking because I have sacrificed a simple commodity for 40 days.

I know what you're thinking and no, it's not rice! Just because I'm filipino and want to lose weight aye? Haha not that everyone who fasts rice is only doing it to shed a few kgs! I'd like to think most people are really sincere in whatever they are fasting because they want to change from a particular sin that is turning them into someone they don't want to be. Reminder to myself: fast sincerely WITH prayer.

Quite honestly, I've been struggling during this lent a lot. Thinking about it now though, it's due to many things like my current lifestyle: lacking balance in people-time, prayer-time, exercise-time, rest-time, community-time. There are times when I think I have life figured out and I'm getting the hang of things, next thing I know I'm having to grow up just a little bit more.

One aspect of growing up that surprisingly challenged me was earning a full-time salary. You know that age old saying from the Notorious B.I.G, "Mo money, mo problems". Yep! That's a fun song, but be warned it doesn't have the cleanest lyrics. I have this odd mentality that as soon as I get money, I should spend it because I don't want to hold on to it for too long or else I'll feel like I have more to lose. How weird is that?! It's like the YOLO mentality has actually sunk in. It's true we only have one life, but we also have an afterlife which depends on our choices in this life. It's crazy to let it sink in that we have ONE chance at life, but this one life is filled with MANY chances to live it well because of God's forgiveness, grace and love. I need to sit with that thought for a minute... 

To end, I would like to share one last reflection from this time of Lent and my struggles with money and time: 
It is not good for the soul to give in to every desire. 

What does that mean? I've had so many desires since I've had the means (money) to get whatever I wanted. The longer I thought about something materially, it was just a matter of time before I gave in without even thinking about future savings, consequences or sharing the gift of money with others. I don't even earn that much btw so I wasn't being careful with what little I had. Even more than that, I didn't even ask God if I should buy it and every time I went ahead with it I was just left with a satisfaction lasting less than a day. It was a cycle of hoping in happiness of material things, and still feeling empty (much like my bank account). It is not good for the soul to give in to every desire.

Anyway, it ain't all bad. I bought a car yesterday and I felt so blessed that I had to pray with my sister driving it on the way home. We gave thanks, gave the car to God and asked Him to bless us, bless our travels, our future conversations with others and good memories in this new car. It is not good for the soul to give in to every desire: I really wanted a big 4WD, an RX8 or any coupe - completely unnecessary for me and a beyond stressful debt, but God knew what I needed before I even asked him (Matt 6:8) and he blesses every good desire of our hearts. So maybe I'll see you soon in my little Mazda 3 and we can just chill and talk about life together :) haha. God bless, friends! 

--- DVD extras ---
CDs I bought recently: Fall Out Boy - Greatest hits & Paramore - All we know is falling 
Fav meal this week: Soft shell crab at Whetherill Park Pho 
Color I saw on that random dress: Lavender and khaki green 
Events that I'm keen on: Singles for Christ - Christian Life Program - 20 March 
Last movie that I saw: The Proposal (so good!)


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