Warning: This blog is a thought-process, in process.
In my 8 years of being in a loving and life-changing youth group, I'm still learning what it really means to be a Household Leader (otherwise know as cell-group leader, household head or youth leader). After 4-5 leadership training camps, 7 conferences (local, interstate and overseas), 100s of wonderful households (or small-group meetings); YES of course I still want to be here, but I don't know if I'm doing it right! What does it mean to be a household leader?
If I wanted a sweet but truthful answer straight out, I'd think to myself that a Household Head leads 'others' closer to Christ. Typically those 'others' become the best people I've ever met and I hold a great place in my heart to have the honor of being good friends with them. Typically, we share a habit of seeing eachother regularly and have the comfort of knowing that no matter what we say, or no matter what state we're in (right, wrong, scared, ecstatic, vengeful, hard-headed, or out-of-line) that we have someone to listen and to be there because of love. Mind you, it takes love to open up to someone as well.
In my 2 years of not having a Household Head, and at the same time being a Household Head of more beautiful sisters than I've ever had to lead at one time, I still sit here thinking: Who am I supposed to be to my household?
Ok, since I'm not 100% sure of my part, how about I look at my previous households and what I do know about them. One thing's for sure, they are not babies. They're all of an adult age, all have survived the highs and horrors of school and some are still experiencing that at university (including myself). They all know what it's like to go through a hard time in life, they all know how to lift hands in surrender to someone Greater, in summary; they know things, and they're not fetuses - no way near it actually. So from this I can gather, that I shouldn't treat them like babies. I don't always have to be around, I don't always have to know things, I don't have to hold their hand to every place that they want to go to. What I'm learning here is that there is a difference between leading someone, and babying them. Just like there's a distinct difference between sharing directions with someone, and constantly pushing someone along telling them, "BRO hurry up! it's right there!"
Going along with this metaphor, yes leaders can offer their hands to guide the household but members need to choose to want to be led. Sidenote: leaders are good members first. SO members also need to ask for help because people can't read minds. I ALWAYS think O.M.G can you imagine if humans had the gift to read minds? NONE OF US WOULD BE FRIENDS. LOL #dememotionssometimesgocrazy #thoughtsarehardtocontrol #thinkaboutit #seewhatididthere
So as a leader, we need to be someone who is approachable to ask for help. We need to be trustworthy to open up to and have the integrity that we will lead them to the same place (holiness and joy) that we want to get to.
And of course, at the center of it all is love. Just love. Think about that for a second. "Just love"
(1) The answer is so simple, love!
But also (2) ONLY love. Love for God and love for his people. In the book 'The Imitation of Christ' it comments, "Oh how powerful is the pure love of Jesus, when not mixed with self-interest or self-love!" (Kempsis, St. Joseph ed., p. 47)
Some people would think, "but you need to love yourself too!" And it's true. But by loving God and loving others, there is no better way to love yourself. You learn how to be a valiant lover, a true friend, an understanding, patient, unbitter, welcoming, humble, naturally giving, compassionate, wise, forgiving, and a peacefully content human being. *PHEW, just to mention a few things you receive.
It might sound far-fetched, but I don't need to be religious or amazingly theological to know that those Christ-like qualities are needed in a world like todays, AND that it IS possible to be that kind of human being. I guess it's harder to believe for those inclined to a cynical mindset, but even that's changeable. My mindset has changed so much, so many times, for so many things, and it's STILL changing. It's possible!
So in my desire to know who a household head is and what they do - they are simply friends and just loving people who are seeking to bring out the best (bring out Christ) in one another INTO the time and world they have been placed in; AND leaders aren't people-changers (especially for their members), they are simply there to stir the courage and #HOPE to face whatever it is that battles them.
-- DVD EXTRAS (If this was a dvd) --
Song that's stuck in my head: Follow Jesus by CFC Kids For Christ
Verse that stood out to me recently: "Whoever welcomes you welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes God's messenger because he is God's messenger, will share in his reward. And whoever welcomes a good man because he is good, will share in his reward."
- Matt 10:40-41 (GNB)
A friend once told me: "WE NEED LOVE AND WE NEED TO LOVE. In the essence of our households, in the essence of our families, we will bring Christ to them..." - Aldrae Cruz, YFC Sydney East Chapterhead, @ ALIVE 2012
Quote from a book: "Hence the laity (lay people/non-clergy/non-priests, etc.), dedicated as they are to Christ and anointed by the Holy Spirit, are marvelously called and prepared so that even richer fruits of the Spirit may be produced in them. For all their works, prayers, apostolic undertakings, family life, daily work, relaxation of mind and body, if they are accomplished in the Spirit - indeed even the hardships of life if patiently borne - all these become spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ... And so, worshiping everywhere by their holy actions, the laity consecrate the world itself to God, everywhere offering worship by the holiness of their lives." (Handbook of Prayers, p. 1)
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