In a recent nighttime I asked myself, "what is our this faith for?"
I see it changing all the time. Inspired, trying to be inspired, even forgotten sometimes. But still it makes me think, surely this isn't just for my sake.
I can't even say that it's for Christ's sake because he doesnt NEED us to survive, but it's us who relies on Him for strength and purpose each waking day.
Could our faith also possibly be... for others?
Could we be witnesses in that ONE life changing moment that brings light to a hopeless other? A lost friend? A troubled sibling? A lonely neighbour? An exhausted parent? A sad stranger?
A priest once said in his final blessing at mass, "May the face of Christ shine on yours as you go forth..." And then I blanked out after that. I was so mezmerised by the mere thought that the perfection of Christ could be a feature of what others might SEE in us.
Sometimes, just sometimes, we need to build on our own faith to help others. It's not enough to just want to reach heaven for ourselves. When words fail (and there are/will be times when we are blank in front of a concerned friend), we can prepare ourselves to be used by the Holy Spirit in that coming moment by building our own faith now.
By the grace of God may He bless us with a thirsty and pious faith, to save ourselves and souls of those we love around us. May we remember that Christ loves them so much too and so much more. Amen.
Song of the day: All at once - The Fray
Verse of the day: "Sincerity and truth are what you require; fill my mind with your wisdom. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and put a new and loyal spirit in me. Help me to speak, Lord, and I will praise you." - Ps 51: 6, 10, 15
Quote from a friend: "If you're feeling empty then Praise God, because you should be thirsty." - Kristone Capistrano at YCOMM Academy 2012
Quote from the current book I'm reading: "It is a characteristic of Don Bosco's youth ministry that he did not merely aim at developing "good" boys. He wanted "saints". Taking their characters as he found it, he tried to build upon it the structure of Christian life. His boys were taught that their first concern in life was to save their souls. Daily mass, rosary, the Sacraments (never in any way forced) were essential features. But the emphasis was on "happy holiness", for Don Bosco wouldn't tolerate "long-faced saints" in his house." - Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston

S02E01 - Questioning our faith
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