This is a deeper-new-years-resolution kind of thing cos frankly, my last 20 resolutions never eventuated.
So this is me praying to be closer to who Christ planned me to be:
1. An evenly sliced pizza.
I haven't been very good at proportioning my time and effort to all aspects in my life. And it'd be easy to blame it on being human, or just being young. But the truth is, time is so short that we can be mature yet young at heart at the same time, "I assure you that unless you change and become like children (simple), you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven" - Matt 18:3 GNB
In 2011, praise God I was able to do the best I've ever done in uni!
It helped having a really patient and understanding family - their support is insanely important.
I've been able to see a lot more of my high school mates esp. spending time with them on their special day.
& I really felt like I had more time to do other things for myself because I had such a great HSB household and coords.
It all really boiled down to my walk with God - seeing life in a newly positive, hopeful and trusting way.
For 2012, I can only wish to fly higher and cook evenly all aspects of my life; balance.
2. Healthy.
A wise uni friend of mine said she diets not to be skinny and wear awesome clothes, and not cos she feels judged or to conform - but because she wants to be the best version of herself for God. Likewise, I need to be the healthiest version of myself. As much as we can be spiritually healthy, our physical well-being also affects our attitude towards life (optimism or pessimism), our mood, and how we love!
How can we love others if we don't love ourselves first?
For 2012, I'm regularly hitting the basketball courts, m7 bikepath, and making healthier eating choices; self-control and discipline.
3. More understanding.
There's a lot of things in the world we are yet to explore, learn and be inspired by! Places to marvel at a God's masterpieces, people to meet and build each others character, and a faith to dig deeper into so we can constantly fall in love over and over again.
For 2012, I hope to read more, meet and talk to diff people (even if its uncomfz), and travel to random places (locally cos im poor); courage and gaining wisdom.
May God, our amazing, talented, beautiful and unconditionally loving King move us to be the best version of ourselves in 2012. HAPPY NEW YEARS FRIENDS x
Music: Second Chance by Jeremy Fowler
Scripture: "Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the
proclamation of Jesus Christ ... to the only wise, God be glory
forever through Jesus Christ! Amen"
-- Romans 16:25-27

S01E04 - Who I want to be.
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