S01E03 - Being Catholic

I’ve been really blessed to be Catholic my whole life. From a very young and unknowing age up til now (hopefully for life). Some say it’s not fair that children don’t have the choice to be baptised into the Catholic church because their parents “forced” it on them, and yeah they are somewhat right.

Similar to when my parents constantly “forced” my hands away from a flame of fire, I hated it because I thought I loved fire! Fire's so mysterious, luminous and attractive! But I didn’t know any better - mum did so she did what was best for my sake. Or else I would’ve had a pretty deformed hand. It also reminds me of how much I freaking hated needles! Oh man, Beyonce has nothing on the notes I belted when I knew I was going for a needle. 11 key changes? :( But if it wasn’t for my parents knowing what was best for my health, I could have the grossest diseases right now. I probz wouldn’t be immune to anything, and I wouldn’t have experienced the greatness of life right now.

My parents knew better. For my sake, they taught me amazing oldschool prayers that I’ve known off by heart for years! E.g. Angel of God, Our Father, the Rosary, Mass prayers etc. And these repeated actions of praying them became habits. And now, 20 years later – I've realized these habits of prayer sparked:
1. SECURITY in my life and in a dangerous world
2. HOPE in things divine and greater than myself, family and friends who are human and fail eachother.
3. FOCUSING on meaning the words instead of focusing on what to say/improvise (prayer). We all have a ‘lost-for-words’ moment! And usually, our words don’t match what we really feel. You’d be surprised how PERFECT set prayers can be for specific moments.
4. a great CURIOSITY to know why we say these prayers, where they came from and what they mean. Similar to being really thirsty.

So when prayers become a habit, just like all the sacraments incl. baptism, they introduced me to a life of knowing Christ with the hope to become just like Him – forgiving, wise, patient, and loving in our own life with all the amazing people we meet and befriend. We have a chance to be in heaven because we were told about it at a young age, and can seek it in our older age. God’s timing and plan is awesome – especially if you let His Will be done on earth just like it is in heaven (ref. Our Father). I’m so grateful for being born into this religion! Not saying that all other denominations are wrong of course! If Christ moves you, and gives you opportunities to love and grow into the woman/man that God planned you to bethen seize it and live it!
God is good – so He always knows best ;)

I have great faith that God works in mysterious ways and He is calling each of us in different, creative, funny yet always loving ways! I don't think anyone can say there's only one religion enters heaven - that's putting a limit on God. That’s something the Catholic (translates to ‘universal’) church taught me, and I love their understanding!
Anyway point is! I’m so blessed to be Catholic. Can’t wait to learn more and BE more! Be more Christ-like and universal (in all aspects of my life – Catholic).

Song that inspired this blog: Good Life by One Republic "This could really be a good life. A good, good life."
Verse that inspired this blog: 1 Cor 2:9 “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him"


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