Hello again, blogging friends! I've missed this. I feel like we broke up for a year because I haven't been here since my mission trip in the Philippines last year, January. Thank you for waiting :) love is patient right?
My first thought for this blog: A lot happens in 1 year. So much so that I can't even count the number of changes, realizations, experiences that have happened in the past 365 days. I wish I blogged some of them, but then again I didn't do much reflecting or stopping last year.
So here we are sitting at the top of 2015. I say the top because it's just starting, not because it's the peak of the year. There's so much to still figure out at this time - who do I want to be this year? What do I want to be better about myself this year? What do I want my purpose and focus to be this year? Do I want to stay where I am and grow in faith here, or do I want to take a leap of faith and try something new?
I asked myself these questions in the very first hours of 2015, 6AM on the top of Rooty Hill hill with 60 or so other young, hopeful people.
I remember 3 emotions from that morning:
1. I was happy to start my year with friends, singing and praying hill-top together
2. I was sad knowing that I would no longer journey with these young people on a beautiful walk with Christ because I had my own calling to follow in Singles For Christ
3. I was comforted by God's deep message for me whilst I was praying in silence looking toward the first sunrise of 2015. For the first time, I noticed the details of God's creation and what He was trying to tell me. This is what happened:
Through the rising sun I felt an assurance of God as 'unfailing', like how the sun never fails to rise each morning whether we are conscious or thankful for it. Yes, one day the sun will stop rising but God, it's creator, will never cease to be there for us with his warm and sure love.
Through the sky writing I was reminded that God's message for us takes time but it is no less beautiful to watch His message being revealed to us. The awe and anticipation for a personal vocation or purpose in life is exciting and worth waiting for.
And lastly, through watching the single bird I was inspired to fly too this year. Maybe not to another country or another state, but to fly freely in my career and to go new places in friendships, serving my church, and soaring to a higher prayer life.
God really knows how to get to me, to comfort me in my silly or sad thoughts. Thank you God for knowing me and loving me! I hope you get to see God's messages for you throughout your day, wherever you are - whether you're busy or not, outdoors or indoors, happy or sad - there's a hidden and beautiful message for you each day!
----- DVD Extras -----
Can't stop listening to: Covers by the Gardiner Sisters (my fav mormons haha, awesome harmonies and values of family, modesty and joy)
Currently reading: Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Looking forward to: The Valentine's Day ANCOP Dance fundraiser: Feb 14, 7pm at Berala
A random quote: "Courage is already in you" - Sevenly
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